Oniisama e... Anime Episode Summaries

Episode 29
The General Assembly of Students

On the train, Nanako tells Tomoko that she left the Sorority. Tomoko is very surprised. The two girls buy a cake for Mariko, and go visit her. Mariko says she's not worried because she was expelled from the Sorority. Instead, Tomoko is disappointed because Nanako resigned from it. Mariko apologizes to Nanako because it was her fault if she left it, but Nanako says she doesn't mind. Tomoko is quite angry, and while she eats her slice of cake she expresses all her disillusionment about an association that should promote understanding and friendship, and instead only fosters jealousy and rivalry of every kind...

The school announces that Mariko is suspended from school for 3 months. Tomoko comments it's unfair, and she ends up having a fight with Furuta and Sonobe, who say it's too mild a punishment. Tomoko and Sonobe slap each other and finally fall on the fountain, and Kaoru, smiling, tells Aya, who seems thoughtful and indifferent to the quarrel, to stop them. Aya runs and stops Furuta and Sonobe.

Saint Just is playing the piano in the music hall, and Kaoru arrives. She says she must tell her something, and then talks about Nanako, who decided to leave the Sorority. Saint Just asks her why she's telling her about it, and Kaoru decides to delay what she wants to say to her... Rei leaves, and while Kaoru plays the piano, there are images of a CAT she had...

Nanako and Tomoko are at Mariko's home, and Nanako is updating her on the last lessons. Mariko asks about Aya, and tells about her rivalry with her: Aya is a very lonely person, and she feels pity for her. Mariko feels they are very similar, Aya has the same faults that Mariko hates in herself, and would like to destroy - image of Mariko wounding Misaki with the penknife-. The girl runs in tears to the balcony, stopped by her mother, and cries out, apologizing to Aya, feeling a deep remorse for what she did to her...
In the meantime, Aya arrives home, welcomed by her dog, Halloween. Aya is happy he loves her...
In the evening, at home, Nanako wonders who is the person who's suffering the most, the one who wounded or the one who was wounded...

Saint Just is lying on a bench in the garden. Kaoru arrives, and tells her friend that at the general assembly of students she's going to ask the abolition of the Sorority. Rei is shocked.
The scene is now intertwined with another: Saint Just challenges Miya-sama to a horse race in the school horse-track....
Rei opposes to Kaoru's intention, and protests that she can't destroy Fukiko's association. Kaoru says that the Sorority is the reprovable residue of a disgusting tradition, it's an useless institution. Saint Just tries to stop Kaoru, saying she must protect the things Fukiko is proud of, but Kaoru simply says that her life if extremely precious for her, and leaves...
Miya-sama won the race against Rei, who smiles at her sister...

It's the beginning of a strange morning without doves, at Seiran... No water comes out of the lion's mouth of the school fountain. At the assembly, Kaoru asks Miya-sama - the president of the student council - to submit a motion: she asks the abolition of the Sorority! Water starts flowing out of the fountain...
Fukiko is surprised and very annoyed, and protests that the Sorority is a tradition at Seiran. Kaoru explains that instead it's like a "slave-market", their members feel superior, and evaluate the others students basing on their cruel spirit of élite, causing fights and rivalry.
Doves suddenly appear again. Saint Just enters the hall, and asks the election of a new president of the student council who, unlike Fukiko, can be impartial and not linked to the Sorority. Fukiko is shocked. Several students support Saint Just and Kaoru's proposal. Kaoru says she wants to collect the signatures of two thirds of the students of Seiran... Miya-sama challenges them to do it...

Near a bridge where trains pass, Rei explains to Kaoru why she helped her: Fukiko should leave her prison of roses, she's already beautiful and proud, and doesn't need this "cage", where she could be hurt one day...
Fukiko looks behind a couloured glass wall, and starts running against it...

Episode 30
The Petition

Kaoru is in her classroom, and explains the reasons why the Sorority must be abolished: all the students have the same rights, and there aren't superior or inferior girls. The jealousy and competition caused by the association are dangerous for everyone, she says referring to the accident between Aya and Mariko. Aya stays silent... Kaoru invites her classmates to sign the petition, but they are all discouraged, the student council is made of the senior members who will never abolish the Sorority.
Kaoru insists, but nobody moves. Then Nanako gets up and signs, followed by several other girls.

Nanako invites Tomoko to help her collect the signatures. Tomoko says she prefers to have no part in it, Nanako understands, but Tomoko feels a bit guilty... Kaoru and Nanako, who is a bit surprised by her own new attitude, start collecting the signatures. Furuta and Sonobe, in the meantime, gossip about Nanako, who behaved like a "weathercock". Aya stays silent, while Tomoko listens to their words, unseen.

Nanako notices, satisfied, that Saint Just too is collecting signatures and is very successful! Some Sorority members, instead, scold Nanako for her "betrayal", and throw her block away. Nakaya collects it and signs the petition, and also offers her help. Tomoko joins the two girls too, and says she'll help them, although with a quite aggressive attitude...

Monna Lisa and Borgia comment the petition. They wonder what Miya-sama thinks about it. Fukiko seems very calm, and just plays a dramatic melody at the piano...
Tomoko, Nanako and Nakaya comment the results of their first day of petition. They talk about Mariko, who feels very guilty for Aya. Aya hears the conversation, not seen by them...
On the train home she's thoughtful, and somehow sweeter. She refuses Furuta and Sonobe's invitation to drink something with them...
At their usual café, the two girls comment the changes in Aya's behaviour. Borgia and Monna Lisa arrive. They say that there are now two empty places in the Sorority, since Mariko and Nanako aren't members any more, and they can accept two new students of the first year. They think Aya can be one of them, but "it depends"... after all, Furuta and Sonobe could do something, since their class promoted the petition...

Furuta and Sonobe decide to help Misaki: they take the blocks with the petition, and are going to burn them in the school burner, when Saint Just stops them throwing a knife against the blocks...
Furuta and Sonobe are scolded by Kaoru, and all her classmates are against them, they think that their action was planned by Misaki. Furuta denies it, but Misaki appears and accuses herself; then she says that Nanako is an opportunist and a fickle person. Nanako loses her patience, and says that Aya is cruel, mean and vindictive. Aya, who's leaving, opens her eyes wide at these words, then she turns and says it's true, she's a mean person, she knows that everybody thinks so...
Going home, Furuta and Sonobe ask Aya why she self-accused, it was Borgia and Monna Lisa who suggested them to destroy the petition... Aya simply asks them not to do anything else to make her happy. "Farewell...", she says with a sad smile.

Furuta and Sonobe, in tears, explain the truth to Kaoru, they just wanted to comfort Aya, who lately seemed very sad... Kaoru comforts them, understanding their action.

At home, Aya looks at the mirror, shedding tears. "When did my face take this evil look?", she wonders. Her mother calls her, it's time for Halloween's daily walk...

At Mariko's home, the girl tells Tomoko and Nanako about her rivalry with Aya, dating back to the first year of junior high school. There was a running race to choose the captain of the team. Mariko fell during the race, and Aya stopped and waited for her. "Victory has no meaning if I win for your withdrawal. I want to win honestly", Aya said.
Mariko hated her for these words. At that time Aya was a special, honest and clean person...
Tomoko comments that there's a positive side also in Aya, it was noble to accuse herself to save her two friends.
Nanako decides to apologize to Aya for her words. She goes with Tomoko to Aya's house, and her mother says that Aya is walking the dog on the beach. Mariko followed the two girls, not seen.
Aya is in tears. She thanks her dog for his love, and frees him, saying he'll have to go back home alone. She goes into the water, and Nanako and Tomoko arrive just in time to stop her before she drowns. Mariko is there too, and from the street she shouts to Aya, saying she'll wait for her. This time it was her who fell down, but the victory has no meaning if she wins for her withdrawal. She will wait for her. Aya says that this way she'll never reach the finishing line, and will never be the captain...

The following day, Furuta, Sonobe and Aya sign the petition...
The doves fly high in the sky, while Nanako and Tomoko continue their petition...

Episode 31
The Rotten Fruit

The Sorority members are worried, because the petition is quite successful. At their usual meeting, Miya-sama reassures everyone, cutting down to size the results of the petition, and underlining the tradition of the association.

While Nakaya is climbing the stairs with Tomoko and Nanako, she meets her two best friends, Kiryu and Ayashida, who are still Sorority members, and ask to sign the petition to make up for not helping Nakaya when she was forced to leave the association. Nakaya is moved by their action, and the bond with her two friends is alive again ...

Then Kiryu and Ayashida are stopped by the Sorority senior members because they signed the petition. The two girls say that they want to leave the Sorority in any case. Borgia is going to slap them, but Miya-sama appears and scolds the senior members for their attitude. Then she says to Kiryu and Ayashida that they are free to resign, but their names will be erased forever from the Sorority member lists, as if they never joined the association. She leaves, while the senior members look at her, surprised.

A rotten apples comes to the surface in the waters of the harbour. In the nearby café Yamamoto and Oshino comment that if the Sorority were abolished, they would lose their privileges. They don't understand Miya-sama's patient attitude, and comment her strange relationship, so full of kind attentions, with Nanako.
Monna Lisa and Borgia arrive too...

At Seiran, Nanako and Tomoko keep collecting signatures. Nanako is called by Monna Lisa, who asks to talk to her privately. She asks which is her relationship with Miya-sama, who wanted her in the Sorority. Nanako says she hasn't any relationship with Fukiko, Monna Lisa insists. Nanako gets annoyed and goes away, wondering what kind of relationship Monna Lisa meant, and thinking she will never reveal the secret (that Fukiko wanted her in the Sorority to keep her away from Henmi).

Monna Lisa, Borgia, Yamamoto and Oshino meet in the school swimming pool. They say that there's a secret between Miya-sama and Nanako, and they want to exploit it to convince Fukiko to fight for the Sorority. When Yamamoto and Oshino remain alone, they have doubts about this plan. If Fukiko were forced to leave the association, Borgia and Monna Lisa would fight to take her place...

Borgia sits behind Fukiko's desk in her Sorority room. Fukiko surprises her, and says that there will be an emergency meeting. When she is alone, she takes a whitered red rose from the vase on the desk and breaks it between her fingers...
At the meeting she says that "there's a rotten apple in the Sorority, and it must be removed before it corrupts all the others!". She asks the voluntary resignations of the person she's talking about, before she's expelled shamefully. Borgia and the others are shocked, while Medusa looks very calm...

At their usual café, Borgia accuses Yamamoto of revealing their plan to Fukiko. There's a bitter fight between them, and Borgia slaps Yamamoto. Oshino is disgusted by Borgia's behaviour, and leaves with her friend.
Borgia talks with Monna Lisa, and says she's determined to defeat Miya-sama, discovering the secret she shares with Nanako.

Monna Lisa phones to Nanako. She invites her to convince the other Sorority members of the 3rd year to dissolve the association with dignity. Nanako is a bit perplexed but accepts, then she receives another call from Kaoru...

Nanako goes to an old building. Borgia and Monna Lisa reveal their real intentions, and try to force Nanako to reveal her secret. They finally go to a balcony under the rain, and Borgia pushes and then grabs Nanako's shoulders. She shakes the girl, vey angry, saying that they accepted and put up with her because of Miya-sama's intercession. Borgia pushes Nanako against the railing, which is very rusty and is collapsing. Monna Lisa notices the danger, and tells Borgia to stop. In the meantime, Kaoru arrives with a taxi, and runs upstairs, seeing what's happening. The railing finally collapses, and Nanako is going to fall down, but Monna Lisa rushes and grabs Nanako, saving her. Borgia and Monna Lisa understand that they almost killed Nanako, and cry under the rain, under shock.

Kaoru arrives and comforts Nanako, carrying her home under the rain.
Nanako thinks about the effects of the petition, which had lead the two otherwise calm and dignified girls to extremes...

Episode 32
The Pride of the Last Meeting

At the Sorority House, Yamamoto, Oshino, Monna Lisa and Borgia admit their plot and resign from the association. Miya-sama, impassive, dismisses them. After a while, Borgia enters the room again, and invites Fukiko to give up her pride, or this will mean the end of the Sorority. New ideas are needed, it's necessary to attract the younger students... Fukiko tells Borgia that she's interested in the Sorority only for her privileges and benefits, and then leaves.

The petition is very successful, Nanako, Tomoko, Nakaya, Kaoru and Saint Just managed to collect the signatures of one third of the students. Nanako is happy, but at home she thinks back to something that happened that day: Yamamoto and Oshino, after resigning from the Sorority, signed the petition, encouraging Nanako. Borgia and Monna Lisa arrived, and they had a fight. Yamamoto says that, since they are out, now they don't want the survival of the association. Borgia slaps Yamamoto. Oshino says that they don't want others to have privileges. Borgia and Monna Lisa disagree...

Miya-sama is doing an ikebana composition. Medusa is worried, because the four resigning girls have signed the petition, but Fukiko is very calm.
Medusa and two other senior members meet at a café, and realize that many students have nursed hate towards the Sorority members for a long time. They would like to give up, but Medusa wants to give her support to Fukiko. While she's going back home, the girl meets Borgia and Monna Lisa. Borgia invites her to sign the petition, because in any case Miya-sama will have all the glory...

Fukiko is having a dream: she's playing the piano in the Sorority House, and a crowd of girls arrives, destroying the walls of the building and setting it on fire. It seems a scene from French Revolution. Miya-sama turns and sees Saint Just, who fires at her with a carbine. Fukiko wakes up shocked, covered with sweat...
The next morning she goes to Rei's apartment. She comes in while Rei is under the shower. She comes inside the bathroom, and tells her sister, naked before her, to answer to her question with a "yes" or "no". Fukiko asks if Rei promoted the petition lead by a grudge towards her. Rei says yes, then no, she says she hates her, no, she loves her, a desperate conflict takes place inside her. Fukiko looks at Rei, clearly upset by the scene...

In her car, Fukiko asks Rei the name of the shore where it snows in winter. It was so important for the both of them, but she can't remember the name. She takes Rei's hand, begging her to tell her the name of that beach. Rei moves Fukiko's hand away, saying that if she forgot, she forgot the name too...

Miya-sama organizes a tea party for all the Sorority members. Medusa is appointed vice-president of the association, as a reward for her loyalty.

Tomoko and Nanako talk at Mariko's home in the evening. They talk about the changes that are happening at Seiran, then Mariko shows them a book: Takashi gave her the first novel written by Mr. Shinobu at the beginning of his career. Mariko is moved by the passion and warmth of that first novel, before her father became a porno-writer, and is very proud of him.

Kaoru, Rei, Nanako, Tomoko and Nakaya are together in the classroom, and talk about the success of the petition. They hear two girls saying that nobody of the Sorority members will go to the party organized by Miya-sama, this is the end of the club.
Miya-sama tells Medusa to invite all the members again.
Medusa, in tears, begs the members to go, because Miya-sama is waiting alone. Yamamoto says that it's over now, and Kaoru, who walks by with Nanako, Tomoko, Nakaya and Rei, is invited to take Fukiko's place as president of the student council, and as the school leader. Kaoru gets really angry, and says that together with the abolition of the Sorority she wants the end of these concepts of superiority.

Rei turns and runs to the Sorority. She turns on the lights of the room where Fukiko is waiting, and invites her sister to start the party, because everybody is there.
Miya-sama gets up - while Nanako, Tomoko, Kaoru and Nakaya arrive too - and starts her speech: she loves beauty, and her pride, she wants to be able to arouse a feeling of pride. Sometimes she would like to give it up, but she'll protect her pride, and she'll keep the Sorority alive, even if she's alone. Then she bows, with a lot of grace and dignity...

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