Oniisama E... Desktop Themes and
Here you'll find the Desktop Themes by Susanna, and
icons made by me.
I hope you're going to like them, there is a lot of
work behind!
Desktop Themes for Windows 98:
- Saint Just, by Susanna (Zip, 756KB)
- Kaoru, by Susanna (Zip, 1.460KB). It
contains: 2 Wallpapers, 4 icons, 2 animated cursors, 12 cursors, 2 audio files.
- Saint Just & Lady Miya, by Susanna
(Zip, 1.696KB). It contains: Wallpaper, 4 icons, 2 animated cursors, 12
cursors, 2 audio files.
- A Set of 22 Icons, by arashi (Zip,